
Athena on August 13th, 2011

Once you have a *.vec file that you created from your positive images you are ready to train your classifier. OpenCV comes with a built in training utility opencv_haartraining.exe -data “C:\My Documents\HaarClassifier\haarcascade” -vec “C:\My Documents\Positive Test Set\positives.vec” -bg “C:\My Documents\Negative Test Set\negatives.txt” -npos 1134 -nneg 625 -nstages 20 Explanation of the code above: opencv_haartraining.exe is […]

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Athena on August 10th, 2011

How do we tell our program what we want to look for? I created a directory full of positive images (images that contain the object(s) that I want to identify) and I created a directory full of images that I know do not contain any of the objects that I want to identify. My positive […]

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Athena on August 9th, 2011

This is specifically for Windows using the command prompt. When doing image processing and classifcations you’ll find yourself with directories full of images. And in some cases if you choose to use a learner you’ll have to load each image in your postives and/or negatives directory.  So you can just list your image names in […]

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