Training Options Used –

-npos 89
-nneg 479
-mode ALL

The number of positive images used to train this classifier was 89, the number of negative images used was 479 and did not specify the number of stages the trainer should try to complete, so by default it tries to achieve 14 stages. The “-nonsym” option is used when the object class does not have vertical (left-right) symmetry. The “-mode ALL” uses the extended sets of Haar-like features, the default is BASIC and it uses only upright features, while ALL flag uses the full set of upright and 45 degree rotated feature set. During the training phase of this cascade it finished in stage 13, which created 47 total weak classifiers. In this stage it reached the desired minimum false alarm rate, or else the false alarm rate will be too high for real world use.

NEG: 365 4.67794e-005

Hit rate ≈ 32.0%

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