Command Prompt

Athena on October 2nd, 2011

When creating a classifier to use for detection of solar cavities, the steps taken are essentially creating the samples to train with, train, and then test the performance. In testing the performance, I began looking through the output, and noticed some oddity. For some of the images the performance output would classify a MISS, so […]

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Athena on August 14th, 2011

Once you have a *.xml file that you created from training the classifier then you can test the performance of that classifier cascade against your prositive test or you could create a validation test set to test performance against. OpenCV comes with a built in performance utility C:\OpenCV2.2\bin>opencv_performance.exe -data “C:\My Documents\HaarClassifier\haarcascade\haarcascade.xml” -info “C:\My Documents\Positive Test […]

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Athena on August 13th, 2011

When going through the training stages you might find that your training has come to a halt where its progress isn’t getting any further and or it has exited out improperly. If this happens you can still turn the stages it did successfully complete into a Classifier Cascade XML. OpenCV comes with a built in […]

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Athena on August 9th, 2011

This is specifically for Windows using the command prompt. When doing image processing and classifcations you’ll find yourself with directories full of images. And in some cases if you choose to use a learner you’ll have to load each image in your postives and/or negatives directory.  So you can just list your image names in […]

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