Image Processing

Athena on November 20th, 2011

In the previous post Advanced Object Marker ::: [Tracking defined ROI (Region Of Interest)] the second video shows the new region of interest (ROI) as the YELLOW rotated rectangle. For our training purposes, a rotated rectangle can not be input to the training application as it expects the defining members of a rectangle as x, […]

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Now that we have eliminated scaling from our rotation images, we can now try to track/follow our region of interest (ROI) throughout all rotations. Below is the first initial attempt, we marked our first ROI so we know the left most point of the rectangle as well as its dimensions (width and height). So we […]

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So initially we thought to rotate the image 1 degree and save the resulting image, we then ended up with about 360 image files derived from a single image. If we marked just the initial image (non-rotated) then based off of the placement in that image we could derive the position of interest in all […]

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Athena on October 20th, 2011

In order to simplify marking the positive images, instead of marking and identifying thousands of images we decided to try marking one image and rotating the image 1 degree for a complete 360 degree rotation. We are hoping that this will still bring about enough variance in our data sets, while still increasing the hit […]

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Athena on September 18th, 2011

OpenCV has functionality built in for template matching. The template matching implementation is basically matching a subimage against a main image by sliding it across the entire image using one of the matching methods, in my implementations I used the normalized square difference matching method. Below is a summarized excerpt for template matching within Quadrant […]

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Athena on September 3rd, 2011

Once a solar cavity is identified the next obstacle is getting data from the region such as the area, proximity to the disk, latitude, longitude, curvature, etc., which entails finding the edges of the cavity. In processing we can segment the region of interest as well as enhancing it to bring out the features you […]

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Athena on August 8th, 2011

OpenCV is an image processing library that I use in conjunction with C++ in Visual Studio. This library has proven to be very useful so far. I have experienced a number of crashes,  as well as using some of their supplied binaries.  Some of these I was able to get around by actually loading the […]

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Athena on August 5th, 2011

Spreadsheet of the literature review for numerous papers covering image processing and feature extraction techniques, which also includes various machine learning algorithms. This just provides a brief summary of the papers as well as what I found interesting and what my opinion was on the techniques that were presented in the papers. Download “PDF” Literature […]

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